This page is likely outdated (last edited on 13 Nov 2007). Visit the new documentation for updated content.
These are the classes that need work to complete the 2.0 profile. This doesn’t include MonoTODOs or extra API that we need to conceal, just missing items. I’ve also ignored any [Obsolete], [DebuggerDisplay], [DebuggerTypeProxy], [ComImport] and [ComVisible] attributes we need to apply, as they are just noise at this time.
Table of contents |
Important bugs that must be fixed before we are ok with the 2.0 support:
- Caching of virtual generic methods.
- runtime should support Covariant / Contravariant generic parameters
- There are quite a few of leaks and memory retention issues in the generics code, all over the place.
- Provide a generics embedded API.
Would be nice to fix, but are not show-stoppers:
- get rid of global generics caches in metadata.c
- Runtime must check constraints
- Runtime crashes with P/Invoke to generics signature
- SafeHandles Limitations: There are a handful of features that are missing from the SafeHandles implementation that would be nice to have implemented.
- Critical finalizers and related implementation issues.
Currently no plan to implement:
- PerformanceCounter and related types in System.Diagnostics.
- Full Windows-like EventLog support, such as access to non-local machines.
- System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs support (actually in System.Security.dll)
- ACL (System.Security.AccessControl namespace).
- System
- ActivationContext (lacks serialization, argument checking).
- Activator (CreateInstance methods)
- AppDomain (Needs to implement ExecuteAssembly)
- AppDomainSetup
- Array (need to clean up exposed InternalArray_*)
- Console
- GC (internalize or remove RecordPressure)
- MarshalByRefObject
- Math (midpoint rounding)
- MulticastDelegate
- OperatingSystem (missing properties).
- DateTime (Missing Serializable). With Patch.
- System.Deployment.Internal
- System.Globalization
- ChineseLunisolarCalendar
- CultureInfo
- DateTimeFormatInfo
- EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
- HijriCalendar
- JapaneseLunisolarCalendar
- KoreanLunisolarCalendar
- NumberFormatInfo
- RegionInfo (Missing DisplayName)
- TaiwanLunisolarCalendar
- System.Reflection
- AssemblyName
- System.Reflection.Emit
- AssemblyBuilder
- ConstructorBuilder
- DynamicILInfo
- DynamicMethod
- EnumBuilder
- GenericTypeParameterBuilder
- MethodBuilder
- SignatureHelper
- TypeBuilder
- AssemblyBuilderAccess
- FlowControl
- OpCodeType
- OperandType
- PackingSize
- PEFileKinds
- StackBehaviour
- System.Resources
- ResourceManager
- System.Runtime
- System.Runtime.Remoting
- RemotingConfiguration
- RemotingServices
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
- CallContext
The API (metadata) compatibility work is done (only impossible-to-do things are left) for 2.0 (at pre-3.5 state).
- System.ComponentModel
- IListSource
- MultilineStringConverter
- NullableConverter
- PropertyDescriptor
- TypeDescriptor
- System.ComponentModel.Design
- DesignerOptionService
- MenuCommand
- System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization
- SerializationStore
- System.Configuration
- LocalFileSettingsProvider
- SettingValueElement
- System.Diagnostics
- Process
- TraceListener
- System.IO.Ports
- SerialPort
- System.Net (Dick)
- IWebProxyScript
- AuthenticationManager
- Authorization
- Cookie
- CookieCollection
- CookieException
- CredentialCache
- FileWebRequest
- FileWebResponse
- HttpWebRequest
- HttpWebResponse
- ProtocolViolationException
- ServicePoint
- ServicePointManager
- WebClient
- WebException
- WebHeaderCollection
- WebProxy
- WebRequest
- WebRequestMethods
- WebResponse
- DecompressionMethods
- WebExceptionStatus
- System.Net.Cache
- HttpCacheAgeControl
- RequestCacheLevel
- System.Net.Mail
- SmtpClient (SMTPS support)
- System.Data
- DataSetSchemaImporterExtension
- DataSet (probably) support for importing and exporting annotated xsd files. The annotation format is not really documented anywhere, so it’s a hard task, but a lot of ASP.NET 2.0 applications use xsd files which take advantage of the feature (I believe it is created by the VS2005 designers). A related bug report is
- System.Data.Odbc
- OdbcConnectionStringBuilder
- OdbcParameterCollection
- OdbcTransaction
- System.Data.OleDb
- OleDbCommandBuilder
- OleDbConnectionStringBuilder
- OleDbParameterCollection
- System.Data.SqlClient
- SqlBulkCopy
- SqlParameter (XML)
- SqlNotification
- SqlConnection (Connection string)
- System.Data.SqlTypes
- Type*SchemaImporterExtension
- System.Design
- Annotation support for System.Data (this isn’t a strictly System.Design feature, it is used to generate actual code on the runtime)
System.Data.OracleClient status page
- System.Data.OracleClient
- OracleCommandBuilder
- OracleConnectionStringBuilder
- Batch processing
- OracleParameterCollection
- OracleTransaction
Marek has been using the various reference and Quick start materials from the Microsoft web site and ported a handful of 2.0 applications to ensure that our support is sufficient.
- Nothing major API-wise that am aware of, other than bug fixes at this point.
Would be nice to have, but is not necessary:
- .browser format parsing support, to be able to use control adapters (MojoPortal makes a use of those)
- Support for pre-compiled web sites.
- Support for precompiling web sites.
What we are still missing in Windows.Forms is tracked at Winforms 2.0.
Additional resources: